Screen Savers October 4th, 2005
I have released several of my screen savers: These are all free so please register!

4 SNES RAM Editors October 2nd, 2005
Today I released the first 4 saved game (RAM) editors for the following Super Nintendo games: These programs will allow you to edit gold, character stats, inventory, etc. in your saved game files regardless of which emulator you use.

Several Programs Added October 2nd, 2005
There are now 5 programs available to download for Windows and Macintosh: Icons have been added for these and other software which are coming soon!

Hello World September 21st, 2005
Welcome to Gendou Software! The purpose of this website is to allow users to download, register, and get help using Gendou Software. The bare-bones of the website have been constructed as of today: What I will be adding very soon: Check back often!

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